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Season 3 - Cogs & Gears Announcement

Writer: VylendisVylendis

It's almost time to start your engines and explore the world a bit further... but don't forget your spyglass!

Pre-release is here!

Over the past few weeks we have been working hard on implementing new features into Binstercraft ready for the official release of Season 3 Cogs & Gears [1.17] Keep reading to discover the official roundup of what you can find right now on the server! NB: Some parts of this article will be directly referencing our last update post in case players missed it.


Mojang launched 1.17 to the world on 8th June 2021

It is common knowledge now that Mojang announced that the Caves & Cliffs update will be split into two parts. 1.17 is already here and playable in vanilla whereas 1.18 will be released in the winter holidays bringing us that sweet new world generation. We cannot wait!

The official announcement can be read in their update announcement post.


We are looking to launch Cogs & Gears around 1.17.1

We apologise for the delay in updating to the new version, but upon reading the advice of Paper (what BC runs on) and many other plugin developers, it is looking like 1.17.1 will be far more stable than the initial release of 1.17. Mojang's 1.17.1 version is currently in pre-release. We want your experience to be as smooth as possible and this seems to be the most logical solution at this time.


Blue Map

LIVE BETA The online interactive 3D Plugin is now available to view via our website or via this direct link: Binstercraft Season 3 Map. View others builds from anywhere in the IRL world, and check out who's online and where. Choose from perspective, flat, or first person view to explore the server. You can also view the Nether & End dimensions using the options menu. Additionally please bear in mind that you cannot see underground (so please no reports that this is a bug - fully intentional feature).

Blue Map 3D Render
A screenshot of the 3D render of Season 3's Shopping District.

Warps have arrived!

A brand new way to get around the server has arrived! Initially, Binster wasn't keen on having a 'non-vanilla experience' when getting around the server. However as we have grown, so have the server's needs! A couple of things to note... This interacts with /back. You will lose your last /back location, and as we observe how players use these new features, we may introduce a two second teleport delay. so these features are not overly used to quickly teleport yourself around the server. We would like to remain true to a semi-vanilla experience as Binster envisioned for Binstercraft.

Community Suggestions
A brand new way to get around the server.

Warp to Shopping District

In game command: /warp sd

LIVE No more should we see "Anyone at the SD?" flooding the chat! Warping to the SD will take you to the central SD Tower on the ground floor.

Run this command to teleport to the Shopping District.


Warp to Spawn

In game command: /spawn

Run this command to teleport to the world spawn. LIVE Spawn needs a little bit more love! A great way to meet up with new players and/or friends in a convenient location, or just a quick hop skip and a jump to Snowmelt Point. Run this command to teleport to the world spawn.


Warp to New 1.17 Chunks Hub

PLANNED We will not be resetting the world, so we need you to go out there, discover a new chunk and potentially set up a little overworld hub for everyone to enjoy. If the hub is established then we can introduce a warp to quickly get there. (I'm getting flashbacks from Hermitcraft Season 6 and their 5 minute flight out to the 1.14 areas!!)


Set Home

In game commands: /spawn

LIVE There are player bases are far and wide across the world, and we hope to make it slightly easier to get back home. The rankings are as follows: One Home: [Regular] | [Patreon Tier 1] Two Homes: [Community MVP] | [Patreon Tier 2] [Patreon Tier 3] | [Patreon Tier 4] Setting a home is easy. Run /sethome to create a personal teleport at the location you are standing. You can teleport here at any time with /home.

Made a mistake or want to relocate? Use /delhome to delete your personal teleport. If you die with no home set, you will spawn at your bed, respawn anchor or the world spawn.


NEW! Editable Signs

Never again shall you feel the pain of misspelling a word on a perfectly formatted sign. Use /es to toggle between editable and non-editable mode, and then Sneak + Right-click to edit the sign which is already placed! Note you can only edit signs within a claim you own or have permission to build in.

Staff Experimental Features
An example of the editing sign screen.

Network wide logins!

ALPHA You will now be able to see when your fellow players connect to the Binstercraft Network when they enter the Hub world. From there you can see which server they log on to. It still has some bugs, most notably everyone being able to see when staff connect to the network. We expect to keep working on a fix for this in the coming weeks. In the meantime please can we ask that you wait for staff to say hello first, just in case they are only popping on to work on these fixes or carry out admin tasks. Thank you. Additionally when a player connects/disconnects from the network it still shows the vanilla 'joined the game' messages we had previously. These will be removed when we find the appropriate setting in our configuration files across all worlds.


Party Chat

ALPHA A popular feature for chatting in server events and general building is still offline. We have moved it back in to ALPHA until further notice due to configuration issues on our console.


Don't forget we are still developing our official Binstercraft Wiki!

In an attempt to declutter our Discord and help you get to the information you need faster we want to create an easily accessible, fully searchable resource that you can view from anywhere in the world!

The wiki still needs some assistance in writing content.

⚠️ Indicates a page/subgroup under development.

Now, this is no mean feat. It is a huge task. Currently, we are in the process of transferring all the important data; and also writing new documentation for almost every aspect of Binstercraft from Season 3 onwards. If you would like to assist in writing the wiki, please contact Vylendis#5353 in Discord.


Congratulations! You made it to the end of this update post.

Keep a close eye on server news, as we will be announcing more and more content in the coming weeks ahead. See you in game, and as always... Happy Crafting!


© 2021 by Binstercraft. Design by Vylendis

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